Welcome to Brickgear
Welcome to Brickgear! Are you curious about the world and want to explore it? Whether discovering your immediate neighbourhood or seeing what people on the other side of the planet are like, the most important thing is probably an open mind. Some degree of preparation and planning certainly doesn't hurt though, especially if you want to go where you have never been before.
We made it our mission to help you with that and, more specifically, with the safety aspect of travelling. In practice, here on this website, you will find go-bags and kit for safety, first aid or just general preparedness for your home, your car, your hike or your trip, complemented with up to date useful information. All our go-bags as well as the most critical first aid products are equipped with NFC technology to enable you to access critical instructions via your phone at any time.
You know, a side effect to travelling and meeting people is that things in general get better because of it. When we explore, we not only discover and learn, but we also get to engage with others and increase each others’ understanding of different perspectives and viewpoints. An that is a great thing! We started this company from a shared interest in individual freedom and the belief that many of today’s global challenges can be best resolved by people using that freedom to explore, discover and engage with others. Your engaging with the world around you may help trigger innovative solutions and responses to some of those challenges. Or just increase some one's understanding of a different point of view. In any case, the world just got better because of it!
So what does all this have to do with us, and Brickgear? Well, we are simply excited about the potential these freedoms offer and more precisely, how this potential manifests itself when people meet and share ideas. So, we want to promote exploring the world and give people confidence to do so. We want to do this through inspirational ideas, knowledge and gear and through that, contribute to the vision that individual freedom and solutions to our world’s greatest challenges are interlinked.
So, again, welcome to Brickgear and, whether around the corner or far away, have fun when discovering, with your own senses, what our world is all about.