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Maria Lampi

by Brickgear Safety Solutions AB 24 Apr 2024

Maria Lampi is a university nurse and a clinical researcher, working at Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm. The patients she manages, undergo advanced surgery in the upper abdomen and are in high risk of developing critical conditions, related to respiration, circulation and level of consciousness. Marias overall strategic responsibility as a university nurse is to ensure that the care focusing on acute conditions and patients’ vital functions is conducted optimally.

Maria has worked as a teacher in disaster medicine at The Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology (KMC) in Linköping, which is a national and international center in the field of disaster medicine and traumatology. KMC´s purpose is to conduct research, education and development within these subject areas and during her time at KMC she obtained a PhD in disaster medicine and traumatology. KMC is a training center for disaster medicine, emergency medicine, prehospital care, traumatology and disaster medicine preparedness. Maria has conducted education as a teacher within all areas.

In parallel as a teacher at KMC, Maria has been the national coordinator for the ATLS-program. It is a training program for physician’s in the management of acute trauma patients, aiming at improving the care for trauma patients according to ABCDE.

Prior to the employment at KMC, Maria worked as an anesthetist nurse for almost 15 years.

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